Wilmington Whiteface 100k: (un)race report


I tried and tried and tried all week to write an un-race report for Wilmington and just couldn’t bring myself to do it. In the end, I did the smart thing and scratched myself from the race.

Look summer up here is like 2 weeks long and I didn’t want to risk turning myself into a limping mass of unfunness for the entire summer. Biking at any speed is better than biking and no speed.

Team Fatty Fundo Rider Jeff was there to race. Coreen and I had a room in Lake Placid (without the kids). So we went up anyway. I participated in the pre-ride with Jeff on Saturday since I figured I could do that at a safe pace for me. And it was fun. Fun enough that I almost race in the 50k race instead of the 100k race. This was followed with a Fatbike ride with Jeff and my Olympian sliding friend Duncan. Three giant massive heavy bikes. Another fun ride. But I stayed firm and while Jeff was racing Sunday morning I was having an awesome breakfast with Coreen at a very cool little restaurant we have wanted to eat at. My Wilmington race weekend was a fun get away with my wife.

Jeff had a great race and was using the experience as a benchmark/ tune-up for Leadville. I put him solidly under 12 hours. (Authors note: My official prediction right now is 11:18 at Leadville for Jeff.)

I’ve been in physical therapy for the past two weeks. It’s been helpful. We have pretty much broken up the mass of frozen muscles in my legs by daily rolling with a foam roller and a lacrosse ball, stretching, some electric stim, and some deep massage. So I am feeling better and off the DL. Coreen knew I was feeling better when I sent her a text last weekend after 2.5 hours of riding (which is what I told her I was doing) and let her know it would be another hour or more before I came home.

My second event for the summer has always been the Hampshire 100. Its a race I have wanted to do for a couple of years. I should be good to go for that. I think at this point the 100 mile version is a little optimistic, so it will likely be the 100k race. But we will see…….

Happy Fathers Day to all you Dad’s out there. Get out and do something fun outside this weekend.

Dads, kids and bikes, what could be better than that!


One thought on “Wilmington Whiteface 100k: (un)race report

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